"Somethings that are not necessary may yet be essential." - Maslow

Monday, December 19, 2011

Cold Morning Memories

First thing this morning I was reminded to smile and send a blessing on for making it to this retirement from my previous life.   I woke up and let a couple of the dogs out at 7:00 am. I looked out into the still, dark, chilly morning and remembered that not that years ago I would be even now walking from my car towards the school building gathering my thoughts together to face another day of the expected and unexpected.  I even remember that last year when I would look out over the dark and still empty parking lot and remind myself that, “This too will pass….” And it did. Now it is only a memory and the dogs and I quietly slip back under the warm covers and close our eyes for another hour or so of dreams and sleep. It is amazing what getting 8 and 9 hours of sleep can do.  Among other things I do not miss sleep deprivation. 

I have just finished an interesting book by David Eagleman, Incognito.  

In discussing an experiment on the workings of the left and right hemispheres of the brain he states that, “When one part of the brain makes a choice, other parts can quickly invent a story to explain why.”

Mornings can look different after retirement.

Our brain is always working on incomplete perceptions of our world but our brain in its love for order and reason will fill in the blanks so seamlessly that we don’t even know what we know and what we have made up to instantly fill in the blanks.

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